Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Salt Lake City - 4 Days

So Friday we left at 5am. I slept from there til 10am when we stopped in some random town Glendale, Nevada. Woke up cos we stopped and I stayed awake from then til like 3pm alternatively reading, listening to music, and writing a post for Souls. Then dozed a while more then we were theree at like 5 or so. Got everything into the hotel, we called my aunt Alice and she dropped by after she got out of work. She took us to her house and then out to this neat pizza place called The Pie (decorated with math pi symbols XD). It was rather tasty. Afterwards she went swimming with most of my family I stayed in the room though cos I didn't feel like swimming, I wrote one more Souls post. Thennn we went to bed pretty early. Had sort of bad cramps all day which sucked.

Saturday woke up at like 8, went downstairs to have breakfast. Drove over to Uncle David's house, and Uncle Charles was there too. I petted David's dog Emmy a while, a pretty red golden retriever, while Charles and David washed the windows of my dad's car. Thenn we drove an hour or so to David's cabin in the mountains. It was neat, I took lots of pics while there. Very pretty views. We drove back, then went to lunch at Pei Wei then back to the hotel. Then we all drove back to Alice's, Dad dropped Mom and I off for my cousin Jenny (6-7 years older than me)'s baby shower. Dad, David and Geoff all went out to do mini golfing or something. Baby shower was okay, there were a lot of people there I knew even less than my relatives and I don't even know my Utah relatives all that much. ): So it was a lil awk but sort of fun doing lil baby games like guessing baby foods and stuff. At one point my Aunt Barbara had a spider on her back and was like "get it off get it off" to me and I was like "O_O I CANT." So she ran inside, tearing off her shirt, and this little girl Mary was there with a camera saying "I'm supposed to take pictures." XDDD.

I gave Jenny's daughter / my first cousin once removed, Valencia, a few gifts from when I was cleaning my room like an iPod dog speaker thing and some bracelets. But I didn't really play much with her until bridal shower was over and Dad & Geoff were back, then I started jumping on the trampoline with her and we became friends again. She's 8, last time I saw her she was 4-5. We hung out she showed me around inside and stuff. And we went out to the back and picked plums and apples from their little orchard. Valencia decided she wanted to cook something with them and I helped her make a "delicious" fruit and vegetable salad with plums, apples, pickles, zucchini, grated parmesan, cheddar, and tomatoes, haha. Then we had tasty spaghetti dinner with one bite of the salad for all of us. Alice put on some little kids movie about a puppy and we all watched that, I wrote a post while it was on. Then back to the hotel and sleepings.

Sunday woke up at 9am to snag breakfast, then back to hotel room and slept until like noon was awesome. Drove out to Uncle Charles & Aunt Barbara's house and we had some pasta / burgers for lunch. They have 10 cats and 4 dogs there o_O. I spent a lot of time cuddling with this one pretty cat Penny and Charles kept trying to get me to take it for my apartment next year, offering $300, free food, a free cage if I took her. XD. They're trying to cut down their number of cats. After being there for a while Cousin Joe (5 years older than me) came upstairs and we talked about comp sci cos he was in the army or something and just came back and is doing his second year of a comp sci major now. Which was cool, I've never really spoken with him before we're facebook friends now. Uncle David, dad, Geoff, mom, Aunt Barbara and I all played some silly board game called Would You Rather. It was amusing enough. Afterward we hung out in backyard while Geoff, Mom, Uncle Charles chilled in the hot tub and everyone except my family sipped on beers. I was offered one multiple times though, haha.

After that we went to Alice's house for dinner again, got there around 6-7. Cousin Mike (6-7 or so years older than me) was there this time which meant his son Kaiden (8 years old) was there along with Jenny + Valencia. =D. He's RIDICULOUSLY cute little blonde kid with glasses. Geoff and I rapidly befriended Kaiden again and we jumped on the trampoline with them a bunch. Dinner was pizza + spaghetti. After dinner Alice got out her scooter (which initially brought to mind the picture of like a Razor Scooter but is actually one of those gas powered motorcycle things). And I spent a tonnn of time riding around her backyard in the scooter and this go-kart it was wayyy too fun. After I was done with that Geoff and I chased Kaiden and Valencia allll over and I got so exhausted. XD. Once again Kaiden was SOOOO cute. Valencia liked to call him a dork and stuff and one time saying he was king of dorks I was like "yeah well I *like* being a dork!" and Kaiden gave me a ridiculously adorable grin. XDD. They had to leave at like 9 or so and so did we, except when we were trying to get out the door Geoff lost his shoes. o_O. We spent like 20 minutes scouring the backyard and finally found them, then went back to hotel. Slept, woke up at like 5 and we drove back. I slept til 10 or something idk. Read for a while, around 12:30 I drove for like an hour from outskirts of Las Vegas to Baker, CA. Mostly going 75 on a freeway, which is good practice for driving considering my whole family was in the car which meant serious yelling and backseat driving and rough-housing between them all. Then I dozed some more. We got back around 3:45pm!