Thursday, January 14, 2010

Portland - 3 Days

umm so since Alex wrote up the details of most of the Canada trip from winter break, i decided to not actually write up what happened for the majority of it. but before i decided to be a lazy hobo like that, i actually had stuff written for the pre-Canada time in Portland. i meant to post this like way earlier but i forgot, so hereee it is now before even more time passes.

we got into the train station and nina's friend allison was there to pick us up. we all squished ourselves into her car, nina and i shared the front seat and we just sorta shoved a lot of luggage into the back on top of people. we were dropped off at nina's house and threw all our stuff downstairs, got a tour of the place, and met her housemate erica and a few of erica's friends. we then walked over to allison's house which was pretty nearby and tried to figure out snowboarding plans, but we called to make reservations and they said they didn't have any left for friday soo we decided to just go snowboarding in vancouver.

after that was settled we borrowed allison's car and nina was very nice and drove us downtown to the grocery store so we could get food and drinks (she was done with finals and wanted to celebrate lol, and since we weren't snowboarding the next day why not~). she got a cider and some apricot thingy, ryan and alex got some newcastle and heineken, and i got some mike's hard lemonade. we went back to her place and she dropped the car off at allison's while the rest of us threw together dinner. no microwave, so everything took foreveeer in the oven. i split some vegetarian chicken taquitos with alex, they were okay. i started drinking my lemonade with the end of them, and once ryan was out of the shower and his food was finally done we played king's cup. it is a very silly drinking game. i tried the newcastle beer and nina's stuff but they all tasted gross.

then alex and nina and jay and homer and i drove to vancouver (washington, not canada) to this pool hall where we were meeting this guy patrick. i kept saying i was going to be sooo good at pool but i lost both of the games i played, one against nina (which took forever we were both sucking so hard XD) and one against homer. i took some pictures and it felt like we were there only twenty minutes but then all of a sudden wtf it had been two hours and it was midnight, and the pool hall was closing.

nina and i woke up in the morning at like 9:30am to the sound of water dripping. surprise! just the day before ryan was talking about how it looked like water leaked down into her basement bedroom and she was like "nah that's never happened." which of course meant it had to happen the very next day. the toilet flooded or something and it decided to come down into nina's room. :/. we spent a bit of time moving all her stuff out of that corner of the room and trying to dry things up. her and jay called the plumber and after the bathroom was mostly cleaned i took a shower and got up for the day and ate a bagel or two. ryan was sort of hungover so he walked around outside and went to taco bell. i just sort of chilled on my laptop for a while. eventually everyone was up and the plumber was on his way so we left the house at like 2 to go to chipotle downtown. it was deliciousss.

after that we walked a bit through downtown to get to powell's bookstore, which is gigantic and awesome and amazing. we spent like a really long time in there, because clearly i just need more books to read i mean i just don't have enough. sami somehow got nothing, ryan got like one music book thing, nina and alex each got 10+ and i got like six or seven. i got one of dave duncan's older books in a newer looking binding, two books on linguistics (one debunking common linguistic myths, one on the linguistics of texting), the third demon wars book, and a coupl eothers i'm not remembering. they had this thing where they'd ship your books for $13 to anywhere if you bought ten or more, so alex and i got all ours shipped back down to california which was awesome.

from there we took public transportation to the zoo, which was open at night for this special zoo lights thing. they basically had like a fuckton of christmas lights in the shape of animals or random things or just decorating trees and archways. it was actually fairly awesome, although the train ride thing which was part of the package wasn't exactly worth the 30 minute wait but oh well, it was fun anyway. it was also a bit sad that we couldn't see most of the animals because, well, they were asleep and the sun was down, but we did see like sea otters and some monkeys. we also found the place we played at before near the great ape area with like the vines you could swing across on but it was blocked off which was saaaad. we did take pictures again with the bears by the gift shop, tho. XD.

after we got back ryan and alex and i ordered a pizza from dominoes and sami and nina cooked some food things of their own. after eating i had to make nina the cookies i owed her. sami wasn't feeling well so she took some benadryl and passed out early but she gave us the cookie recipes for sugar and chocolate chip. we didn't actually have enough chocolate so when nina went with jay to pick up homer from somewhere she bought some hershey's bars. i learned that i am not actually terribly good at baking, we sort of added things in the wrong order and it was really hard but we (alex and i, tho ryan helped a little) managed to finally get something in the oven. the cookies did not actually stay very separate, they sort of all merged into one cookie. XD. but at least they tasted okay? i enjoyed the sugar cookies we made at least (which was not actually a separate batch, i was way too lazy to make both, so i just put like three cookies on the tray before adding chocolate chips. but yeah, i'll have to owe her some real cookies when i learn how to like, make real cookies.

but yeah after that and doing some laundry we basically crashed, tiring day.

woke up aroound 10:15am, repacked my stuff so i only needed one bag to bring to canada, cleaned the dishes from the cookies the night before, then hopped in jay's car cause he was nice enough to drive us to the train station. i'm on the train to seattle right now, it's weird it's the first one i've been on that's only one story not two. they also have tv screens and are playing polar express atm. it's sort of annoying, their power outlets don't actually work so i can't charge my phone or my netbook, i'm glad that my netbook had enough power for me to actually get to this point~ kbye for now.