Thursday, August 30, 2007

Portland - Days 1 and 2

Bus was alright. It was pretty empty, and roomy, and decently comfortable. I watched about half of Princess Bride with Alex, then his laptop battery died (there were no outlets) so I just kinda half slept and hugged my pillow until the bus was over. It got there like half an hour early which was cool so we went inside and I got a drink.

Then we got a nice table on the new train, I played some DS games like a bunch of Rune Factory and little bit of Kirby. Sometime in there while I was playing DS games we watched Mulan. At some point Alex went down to the food court and bought a cheese pretzel, pizza, and some beef jerky. The two things I tasted were really not that good so he went back down and got some french fries, which also kinda sucked. Then a third time he got some chips and nacho cheese which were actually good, but when we tried to buy more later they were sold out, it was very sad.

When we got off at Sacremento at midnight, we were informed our train was going to be two hours late. So we just hung out in the train station, which at least ended up having free wireless internet so I went online to talk to Nina. Then we watched part of Happy Endings, which Alex didn't like and so wandered away even though there was hot Maggie Gyllenhal.

Eventually at like 2:30 the train finally got there and we got on. It took me until like 4 to actually fall asleep though, and first impressions of the new train were really lame. There were no tables, just rows of chairs and no outlets, more like airplane seats than the last train we had been on. I slept until 7 then woke up for a little bit, managed to fall back asleep and have dreams that Alex was ordering breakfast without me even though I was STARVING since all the food but the nachos sucked on the last train. He woke me up at 9 though cause he had made reservations at the train dining car for then - he had woken up at 7 but not been able to fall back asleep. So we went to get food and they had nothinggg so I just picked at Alex's omelette and hashbrowns, but the hashbrowns even were gross and had green onions on them.

Then I went back to my seat and slept on and off until like 1pm or so. I woke up and ate some cheese and crackers and a bit of goldfish. I played a bunch of Harvest Moon and read for a few hours in order to finish the Chuck Palahniuk book about Portland that I wanted to give to Nina after reading it. The train kept constantly updating the arrival time. It totally failed in estimating time correctly, like it would say "in eight minutes we'll be arriving at our next stop!" and fifteen minutes later we'd actually stop. After a million different estimation changes we finally got there at like 7:20pm. Then we wandered around the bus station for a bit, we didn't know how to get to the hotel. We talked to Nina but she said that she'd rather wait until tomorrow to hang out because we wouldn't have much time anyway; our train was originally supposed to arrive at like 3:40pm.

The person at the train station was nice though and gave us a free taxi ride to our hotel because of how delayed our train was. It's a pretty nice hotel. I got a cheese and tomato subway sandwich and put some veggie meat on it, the first real meal I'd had in the past two days. Then we spent like thirty minutes looking for this part of my headphone that fell off, but to no avail. Went to sleep at around 1:15am.

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